Artist Alyssa Frazier

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We each have our own perspectives on this pandemic, but nurses are in the unique position to see first hand how COVID is affecting every part of our community. By interacting with such a wide variety of people on a daily basis, they’re getting a real image of our country’s current situation.

While listening to a Local Voices Network conversation between Arkansas-based nurses, I was shocked to hear that despite the long hours and many challenges they are facing, they do not receive any form of hazard pay. Yet even without that extra pay or basic respect from every person that comes into their places of work, they continue to show up every day. Clearly, their honest priority is the health of the people.

These nurse’s commitment to public health and safety is very inspiring to me. When asked what the average person could do to mitigate some of the consequences of the pandemic, they each made requests that seemed pretty simple for the general population to do. To help spread their message on social media, I consolidated their advice into an approachable graphic with a fun narrative of “lessons from a nurse”. I hope this graphic will illuminate the enormously positive impact that nurses have on our lives and illustrate a few easy ways we can each push that impact further into the community. I think if we all take just a small piece of their advice, the world would be a much better place.