The Collection
Artist Jackie Aguilar-Vega
Artist’s Statement
As we look towards building a better future for our communities, we must deal with our history, specifically when our history is still ever-present and negatively affecting our most vulnerable and marginalized. At a nation and state level, our overlooked history has now become magnified by the current pandemic of COVID-19. But if we can incorporate honest conversation that educates and illuminates the inequities in these communities, our future can become an opportunity to resolve these issues and truly make it better for all people.
With this intention in mind, the first concept I wanted to illustrate how a supportive form of communication or dialogue can produce positive outcomes. While also showing the negative impacts the opposite or monologues can have towards achieving honest conversations.
The second concept plays on the metaphor of COVID-19 being a magnifying glass on the disparities marginalized communities are faced with while striving to find hope during this pandemic.
The overall goal is to aid the mission of creating space for people to listen, learn, and connect.
Reimagine Arkansas First Conversations Graphics by Jackie Aguilar-Vega is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at reimaginearkansas.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at jackieaguilarvega.com