Artist Brysen Taylor

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Concept #1

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our world on many levels, particularly in how we operate and interact socially. To navigate this new normal, it’s important that everyone learn and exercise certain ‘Quarantine Courtesies.’ These include simple actions such as wearing a mask, listening to others, and leading by example. Such important yet selfless courtesies are things everyone can do to keep each other safe.

Concept #2

Many people who are in need of medical assistance hesitate to seek professional aid out of fear that they will be rejected for not having health insurance. This has been an existing problem for years, which the current pandemic has only magnified.

Dedicated healthcare workers want to respond to that fear with a clear message of hope: ALL who seek medical care will receive it. Not having insurance does not make anyone less of a human being in need of healthcare.Through the transcripts, I was inspired to make some impactful pieces but more importantly I was inspired to continue to love, be kind, and cherish moments with loved ones...Oh and to WEAR A MASK!